Wednesday, April 16, 2014

IVF Week 2

So far so good this week. I have been going to the Doctor about every other day to check my follicle growth and was told today that it looks like I will be scheduled for the egg retrieval on Monday or Tuesday of next week. I am beginning to get some bruising from the injections and a little soreness but other than that I have no complaints. I am just so thankful that I am able to have this procedure. I am so thankful that I am one step closer to holding our miracle. These past couple of years have been such a struggle but through those struggles I have managed to shake it off and keep my eyes on the prize. Thank you Jesus for giving me the strength! There are days that I have my doubts and let my emotions get the best of  me (my Husband says this is the hormones LOL)  but after I have my breakdown I am ready to get back up.
I will be needing prayers the next couple of weeks as we go through the retrieval and transfer process so I am needing all of you prayer warriors out there to add my Husband and I to your list. For those following our story I will post more next week after the retrieval. Praying for healthy eggs!!

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